It's been a little bit since the last entry, sorry baby bear. Of course a lot has happened since then.
We took a nice trip up the coast to the NW tip of Washington state. It just so happened that Portland got a lot of snow that week so the streets were covered as we left Portland. It was slow going but once on I-5 nearing Longview, the rode cleared up a bit and normal highway speeds were possible.
That's when we got a flat tire.
It was scary changing the tire on the side of I-5 with the shoulder barely useable because all of the snow. I had to open the back of the car for a long time to un pack everything and get to the spare. Cold wind right in your face but you didn't make a sound. Just kind of watched me as I frantically moved things around.
Thankfully a state trooper stopped behind us to provide a safer place to stop. From there it was just a matter of getting new tires and heading to Neah Bay. It was a long drive but you did so well. The cabin was nice, right on the water (in a long line of other cabins). It was a fun trip and makes me look forward to the future when we can all go camping for real.
Roadside diaper change!
That's the Pacific Ocean in the back...somewhere. |
Sleeping with mama in the cabin. |
We also had Valentine's Day last week. It was our second Valentine's day together in Portland and the anniversary of our engagement..and the first time with you. You were a little fussy but finally you fell asleep and mama and papa enjoyed some nice Italian food and wine.
Valentine's Day was also your 6 month doctor check-up. 6 months! Really? I am not sure if I feel that time went by fast or slow. Both really. You are healthy and that makes us happy. You're a big boy for sure (almost 22 lbs) and in the 97% for weight (84% for height). You did need to get some vaccinations though and you were not too happy about that, but when the nurse was finished you stopped crying and became a big boy again. The next day you had a slight fever, but even that didn't last long.
6 Month check...before the vaccinations! |
Valentine's dinner at Mama Mia. |
A final update…from this morning. Lately, after waking up, you do something strange. As usual, you are happy and chatty, but you seem to have added a strange behavior to your morning routine. Laying on you back, you raise both your legs and pound them into the mattress in quick succession. It makes a loud sound, like a bass boom. It's funny and I can hear it downstairs in the shower.
This morning though, i think this new technique made a small problem worse. You see, yesterday was a good poop for you. You pooped 3 times (2 is usually the max), so mama was feeling good that you did all your business. Usually in the morning, before I leave for work, I don't change your diaper. You are not usually awake and I don't usually have time.
This morning however, you were wide awake and I thought I would help mama by putting a fresh diaper on you. I soon discovered that you had poop #4 waiting for me. No big deal really, I could change the diaper and get to work. The more I looked though, the more I saw poop had made it's way up your back. This has happened a couple times. It seems though that the banging feet technique helped the poop make its way all the way up the back, just below the neck. Crazy, but ok. I asked mama for helped and we got you cleaned up with fresh clothes and a new diaper.
I laid you down in your crib, as I was getting ready to leave, but noticed poop in yet another place: on your cheek! What?! How!? You had somehow managed to get poop on your hands then onto your cheek (and who knows where else!). This was a first for us (and hopefully a last!). Of course you were chatting and smiling the whole time.