Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nice To Meet You Genki - +Week 2

Finally! We met you. Why you didn't want to go outside? I feel like I want to see how comfortable it is in my belly.

It was scary when I was having contractions. Super painful. So your papa was holding my hand all the time. I couldn't eat heavy food. They gave me only light food. Water, juice, crackers and sherbet. When my contractions were bad, they gave me an oxygen mask because your oxygen was low. It smelled like maple syrup. I wanted to eat the macadamia nuts pancake that me and your papa ate on our babymoon in Hawaii. (After labor, your papa ordered the pancake for me at the hospital. It was not so good though...).

During the c section too, he was holding my hand all the time. My body couldn't stop shaking. Because of anesthesia? Or because I was scared. We tried not to think about it and kept chatting about other things. Maybe about your papa's sister and something about my brother. I don't remember well.

Suddenly I heard your crying voice. Your papa looked at you. I could't see because Im laying down and there was the curtain in front of me. A little bit later, they put you on a rolling cart that near my bed. Then I could see you for the first time! At that time I was shaking for happiness. Your papa cut the cord. I couldn't see well because there was many people around you. After that they brought you to me and I held you for the first time. I almost cried. I remember I cried at the doctor's office When we knew I had you in my belly.

...So now you came back home with us. You didn't sleep well past few nights. But last night, you slept from 1am to 4:40! We were surprised. Good boy, Best boy :)

By the way, look at this picture. This is Jan 28th's photo of you. You are only 3 months? Now, you really like this pose. We didn't know how much you preferred this position at that time. It's funny.

I feel nervous and fear if I'm doing well for you all the time. If you don't sleep, if you cry too much, if you're annoyed during nursing.

Your smile makes me happy. Today your grandma and great grandma left here. Of course I was sad and cried like usual. But I could be patient more than before she left. Because now I have you. I have my own family. Your papa also helps me a lot. If he wasn't here, I couldn't do everything.

Thank you for coming to us.
 I love you so much. I love my family.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Project Koguma, Phase II - Make Genki genki - + Week1

Wow, what a week it has been. You're 6 days old and have been home for 3 days. It really is a numbers game at this point. How many ml are you drinking? How many hours are we sleeping? How many diapers are you having?

While we are on that subject, let's talk about last night. Mama and I know you don't sleep all night yet. We know that will come later. We are doing our best to keep you fed and clean at night. Last night though, I think you were playing games.

You woke up at maybe 2am or something like that. That's normal, you wake up a lot. You are a hungry growing boy. We changed your diaper together. It always takes two people because you kick and punch so much. You hate diaper changing time. So we cleaned you up, put a fresh diaper on you, then mama started to feed you.

During your feeding though, you pooped again! It was funny. Kind of a cute sound. It's fine. We thought we should change you again soon so you will eat then sleep quickly. We did. Cleaned you up, fresh diaper (again). Mama then started to feed you again (to finish the feeding). 10 minutes later...ANOTHER poop! What? Really? I think I saw a little smile on your face. If so, you have my sense of humor.

I've been taking a lot of photos of you. Some are good, some bad (my fault, not yours). Some day we will give all the photos to you. They are kind of a family treasure for me.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Project Koguma - Phase 1 Complete - +1 Day

Well baby bear, you made it! Now we can officially start referring to you as Genki Orsino Buglio, instead of Koguma-chan (though I suspect that name will pop up from time to time.

I'll start by saying you held off your entrance as long as you could. For some reason you just didn't want to turn your head, so we had to take matters into our own hands and get you out of mama's belly. That was a very emotional decision and a little bit scary too. But baby and mama are safe and healthy, so in the end we made the right choice. Here's a look at the three of us when you were only a few minutes old.

What can I say? You're wonderful. We are so happy to finally see you and hold you and feed you and yes, even change your diapers. That might change, but for now it's all fun.

You sleep pretty well so far, we know that will change too, but we are glad you can sleep a little, so that we can sleep a little too. You make funny noises when you are almost asleep. You sound a little like a pig, or a frog. Strange noises for a baby bear, no?

We're going to continue this blog as long as we can. As long as feels natural. Some day we will give you a book of these entries, to show you how we were feeling week to week and month to month when you were growing inside mama's belly. Now you are growing up in the world. Like I said in the beginning: take your time out here, grow strong.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ready For Your Debut? - Week 41, 3 Days

Baby Bear, it's finally time to coax you out of hibernation. We checked in to the hospital last night to get the process started. And start it did! Your mama has endured so many contractions now that I can judge them based on her facial expressions. This is one of the "nice" ones.

She's also just had an epidural put in. That was not fun. But it will help make your final journey from her belly a more comfortable one for her.

When we were married, we didn't know when we would see you. After Thanksgiving last year we knew we would see you in about 9 months. Now, we are hours away from seeing you. Time flies. I've been watching your heartbeat. It's very strong.

See you soon Baby Bear.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stage Fright? - 41 Weeks, 2 Days

So Baby Bear, you're really more comfortable inside your mama's belly? You still kick and play a lot, it must be so much fun in there. Your mama doesn't think so. She feels a little pain every day. Nothing big, just a little. But she wants to see your face. Me too. Grandma and Great-Grandma too. We're all waiting.

Today we will visit the doctor. She'll check mama and decide if it is time to induce the labor. That's a big scary thing for you. You're hanging out inside mama's belly, kicking and double punching, hiccuping, having fun...then suddenly things start happening for you. We don't really want to do this, but if you are not ready to come out by yourself, this will help.

So who knows. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. We don't know yet. But we do know we want to see you and hug you and take you for walks and all the fun things families do.

First thing's first though. It's time for you to make your debut.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Late For Your Own Party - Week 40, 6 Days

So grandma and great-grandma showed up, but you're still being shy. You know, it's fun out here. I can still feel you kicking inside your mama's belly, but I know you would have more fun kicking on the sofa, or in your bed, or riding around in your stroller. There are so many cool things for you to see and so many people want to meet you. Won't you come out soon?

Well, I do need to tell you, if you don't come out by Tuesday (3 more days), the doctor is going to come in there and get you. You are the star of this show and we can't start without you.

Maybe this picture will coax you out. Look at all these faces, they only want to see yours.

Every day we are eating and drinking good food. Your mama is ready to give you food too. Maybe milk? I'm sure you will like that.

Maybe tonight? Maybe tomorrow? Soon. We are waiting!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How Are You Baby? - 40 Weeks, 2 Days

While I'm writing this, you are having hiccups. I used to have them when I was a kid too.
Are you like me or your papa?

At the beginning of my pregnancy, I thought you're more like your papa because you move with an almost perfect schedule time every day. And I really wanted cheese and sweets, and those are in your papa's favorite 3 foods.

But now, the due date passed...that's more my style. Maybe while growing these 10 months, you changed your character?

The doctor said you might come this weekend if it's lucky. Then if you won't come, I have to talk with her about labor induction next Tuesday. I don't want to use that. I want you to feel "I want to come out!" by yourself. I'm waiting. Papa is waiting. Also, your grandma and great grandma will come to see you the day after tomorrow. How fun is it for you? Let's enjoy this beautiful summer with everyone.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

D Day - 40 Weeks

Well, today is your due date. Are you coming out today? We don't think so. We think you are too comfortable inside mama's belly. You play a lot in there. Maybe you like your room in the womb? Well, we want to tell you your room outside is pretty cool too. Mama painted some cool designs on your wall. Your bed and changing table are all ready. You even have a few toys waiting for you.

Isn't that better than mama's belly? Last night you played a lot. I was talking to you, but I don't think you were listening too much. You are so genki, even now. The doctor said you probably wouldn't move so much the last couple of weeks, but you didn't get that memo.

Baby Bear, we want to see you so much, but of course we understand you need to come out when you are ready. We just hope that is soon.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Arrived, Where are You - Week 39, 5 Days

Well, the calendar turned to August, your grandma and great grandma have tickets booked to see you, but you're still hiding in your mama's belly. When are you coming out?

We've been making ourselves busy with little projects. Getting the house ready for you. But nothing keeps my mind off of your arrival. In a few days, maybe a week, maybe less, all of our lives will change. We're very excited for that change.