Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nice To Meet You Genki - +Week 2

Finally! We met you. Why you didn't want to go outside? I feel like I want to see how comfortable it is in my belly.

It was scary when I was having contractions. Super painful. So your papa was holding my hand all the time. I couldn't eat heavy food. They gave me only light food. Water, juice, crackers and sherbet. When my contractions were bad, they gave me an oxygen mask because your oxygen was low. It smelled like maple syrup. I wanted to eat the macadamia nuts pancake that me and your papa ate on our babymoon in Hawaii. (After labor, your papa ordered the pancake for me at the hospital. It was not so good though...).

During the c section too, he was holding my hand all the time. My body couldn't stop shaking. Because of anesthesia? Or because I was scared. We tried not to think about it and kept chatting about other things. Maybe about your papa's sister and something about my brother. I don't remember well.

Suddenly I heard your crying voice. Your papa looked at you. I could't see because Im laying down and there was the curtain in front of me. A little bit later, they put you on a rolling cart that near my bed. Then I could see you for the first time! At that time I was shaking for happiness. Your papa cut the cord. I couldn't see well because there was many people around you. After that they brought you to me and I held you for the first time. I almost cried. I remember I cried at the doctor's office When we knew I had you in my belly.

...So now you came back home with us. You didn't sleep well past few nights. But last night, you slept from 1am to 4:40! We were surprised. Good boy, Best boy :)

By the way, look at this picture. This is Jan 28th's photo of you. You are only 3 months? Now, you really like this pose. We didn't know how much you preferred this position at that time. It's funny.

I feel nervous and fear if I'm doing well for you all the time. If you don't sleep, if you cry too much, if you're annoyed during nursing.

Your smile makes me happy. Today your grandma and great grandma left here. Of course I was sad and cried like usual. But I could be patient more than before she left. Because now I have you. I have my own family. Your papa also helps me a lot. If he wasn't here, I couldn't do everything.

Thank you for coming to us.
 I love you so much. I love my family.

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