Friday, September 20, 2013

Diaper Size 1 - 1 Month+

Genki kun, you drink so much milk.  It shows with your growth. Now already you are not a "New born" baby. We just changed the size of your diaper to a bigger size yesterday (because the old size wasn't holding everything).

But you know, there are still over 200 diapers, N sized in our stock.
How could we imagine that you would grow up so fast? This is a happy thing but at the same time, a little bit sad for us maybe?

Now you are a baby. Then you will be a boy. Then you will be a man.
2 days ago, your papa showed kind of a sexy music video to you, just for joking. (Of course you didn't understand and focus on it.) That time, I imagined someday you will bring home the girl (or a boy, whatever.) who you love. I know it's really far future. But I felt like it's soon.

Your skin condition is pretty bad now, especially the neck and ears. You have a double chin. So when you spit your milk, it stays there and becomes bad. Sorry, that's our fault. I will try to clean you more and more. Everyday we learn something. How to take care of you, what is your character, what you are thinking now...

These days you talk and smile at us often. Really really REALLY precious.
That's why we also can smile even though are sleep deprived.

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