Well baby bear, we just returned from your first trip to Japan. Your mama and I were so excited and nervous to bring you to Japan. We were so worried about the plane ride because it is a long time to be in a small space. We were lucky, on the way to Tokyo we had a seat at the bulk head, which meant we could use a baby bed that attaches to the wall. We hoped this would be comfortable for you and you would sleep. This was the plan.
Bulkhead baby bed. |
Changing table. |
While you didn't want to stay in that baby bed for long, I have to say you were a pretty good boy. Yeah, I stood up a lot, to hold you and gently rock you, but it was really no big deal. Some how we had the energy to keep you comfortable on the plane and like I said, you were well behaved on the flight over. Of course, once we arrived in Tokyo, you got a little cranky and I think you just wanted to lay down flat (not bundled up in the Baby Bjorn).
This trip was all about introducing you to everyone. I think you were the number 1 attraction for people, then your mama, then me. You had a chance to meet mama's friends and a new baby (Ryusho), only 1 week younger than you. You seemed so much bigger. Much heavier. I thought the same thing when we met your cousin Koharu for the first time. She was so light! I can't believe you used to be like her…small and light.
Nearly the same age, but not nearly the same size. |
Quiet vs. loud. |
The expanding baby gang. |
Grandpa watching Genki watching TV. |
Bookends to 4 generations. |
One thing that made me a little crazy was just how quiet Ryusho and Koharu were. They never made a sound, sometimes a small little cry, but they were nearly silent the entire time. Your mama and I wondered why you are so vocal.
I think your Grandpa was super happy to see you. He took every chance to hold you and play with you. He even fed you a couple times. Your Great Grandma was also super happy to hold you. In fact, everyone was happy to hold you. You almost never touched the ground.
Everywhere we went people said "kawaii!" and I think people wanted to look at you because your mama is Japanese and I'm not. I have such a crazy beard right now maybe everyone is surprised you are so cute with a papa that looks like me. We had fun taking you to many places, We went to so many stores and restaurants.
It was a good trip, I think you enjoyed it. I know you won't remember, but hopefully this trip is only the first of many trips to your motherland.
Family time. |
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