Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Tale of Two Genkis - 59 Weeks

How unique you are. Just when we think we know you, know your habits…you change. Outside factors don't seem to matter, you just seem to zig and zag at will. Case in point, your sleeping habits. We've recently stopped using a bottle of milk to make you sleepy. We just lay you down in your crib around the same time each day. You cry a tiny bit, but you put yourself to sleep (made your mama so happy!).

With the weather changing now and days getting shorter, I expected some sort of sleep adjustment as it is darker earlier in the evening and stays darker later in the morning. I actually thought this might make you sleep more. And I was right. Maybe.

But, as always, there's just no telling with you. Let's talk about the last two days, September 28 and 29. 

This past weekend we went to Hopworks for the Handmade Bikes & Beer Fest. You were pretty good both days, of course a couple times you got crabby. But basically you were a good boy. I think going out both days and then playing at home made you tired. On Sunday night we put you to bed around 7:30. You were fussy for a little bit, but soon you were quiet and sleeping.

Usually, you're an alarm clock for us. Around 6am (sometimes earlier) you wake up and start talking or crying. The next morning though, my phone alarm woke me up, you were still sleeping. I walked past you to go take a shower, and I was sure the creaking wood floors would wake you up. Nope. You slept. Finally, I had to go to work. It was the first time I left for work with you sleeping. No goodbye kiss, just a sleeping baby. You had slept almost 12 hours.

Monday night we were thinking it would be the same. Your routine did not change. Dinner, then some playing, then upstairs around 7:30 to read a book with mama and go to sleep. Again, you fussed a bit when she put you int he crib, but soon you were quiet and sleeping. As I went to bed, I wondering if you would be sleeping when I went to work.

Of course, that did not happen. 

A little after 1am, you woke up and started to cry. We try to let you cry it out, but you just weren't happy. I went downstairs to sleep and your mama helped you get back to bed (you had a #2 in your diapers too!). You woke up early again, but you were quiet in the morning. It was nice when you slept 12 hours, but I have to admit it is nicer to see your face before I leave for work.

How long will you sleep tonight?

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