Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Walking (Almost Talking) Baby Boy - 63 weeks

Maybe we are getting a little lazy with the blog. Or maybe you are more active now so we are a little bit more tired these days. Either way, we have not written much lately. Sorry about that.

We had a nice visit from Grandma Peggy and Aunt Theresa. They were so happy to see you and you were a great boy. You even started walking after they arrived. Before they came, of course, you had tried walking and taken a few steps here and there. After they arrived, you were like a walking champion.

In the basement you like to circle the coffee table. You are like a race car doing laps around the table. Sometimes you don’t even look at where you are going or you walk with toys in your hand. You just lean onto the side of the table and keep moving. Too funny.

Pardon the pun, but it’s a large step in your growth. The transformation from held infant, to crawling baby to walking toddler…it’s been incredible for us to watch this. The next milestone is communication. I’m excited to hear your talking voice, but I’m in no hurry. I want to enjoy this stage a bit more.

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