Monday, August 7, 2017

Catching Up With Genki

Quite awhile since our last post for you. You've been a busy boy and lots and lots going on for you. School, summer, visit from Grandpa, trying to be a big brother. The last few months have been a lot of ups, a few downs...but also a lot of learning and change for you.

You really know your animals. You can recognize and name almost the whole zoo! And it seems like everyday another animal name is coming to your vocabulary. You're saying iguana now! Wow.

It has been super hot the last several days. Not easy to sleep. One night we all tried to sleep in the same room to stay cool, but it was not comfortable for you. But thankfully the weather will start to cool off soon. Maybe we'll even see rain. Until then, we're spending a lot of time with the sprinkler.

And of course your birthday is coming soon. Wow, 4 years old in a week. We still don't know how we will celebrate, but I am sure there will be cake!

And a nice surprise for you: we're going to Hawaii and there is a super cool pool at the hotel. I know you'll be super excited and it will be difficult to get you out of the water!

And then a few months after Hawaii an even bigger surprise. You'll be a big brother again!