Friday, October 20, 2017

Leaps & Bounds & Dinosaurs

Genki my little boy we are so proud of you. Every day, every week, and month that goes by you make progress. Learning new things and growing into yourself. Sometimes those steps are small, sometimes bigger. This week you took a giant leap forward.

See, potty training has been tough for you. It is not easy for you to tell us how you feel yet. Of course that means you haven’t been able to let us know when nature is calling. With help from Building Bridges, we started many months ago trying to establish a pattern, routine and comfort level with the toilet. In those first days we were so surprised because we got some early success. We thought we were right around the corner from diaper independence for you. But it has really been up and down for months. You don’t hate the toilet, it’s just that you also didn’t hate diapers. So progress on the potty has been slow.

Then there was this week.

Little man you’ve made us so happy and proud this week as you seem to have gone #1 and #2 more on the toilet than off. We bring you into the bathroom and voila! You go! Just like that. We’re not 100% out of the woods on this of course, but this week was better than the last 6 months combined. A few times you have even told us you want to go. So great!

It’s things like this that make us believe you are learning and growing and little by little, task by task, poop by poop knocking out the goals we set for you. Keep it up my man!

In other news…

So while I don’t have a picture of you taking a poop, I do have a couple from what we did last weekend. Lately you are crazy about dinosaurs. You love the toys, pictures and cartoons about dinosaurs. So we were pretty lucky to find a traveling dinosaur show that was in town (Vancouver) last weekend showcasing so super big dinosaurs. You had a lot of fun.

Friday, October 13, 2017

October 2017 Catch Up

It’s October, and the weather is starting to turn. Your sister is really coming into her personality, your brother’s debut is less than 2 months away, and you baby bear continue to grow and learn and improve. We’ve seen a lot of great changes in the last 6 months. We’ve also seen some strong protest from you at certain times. I’m sure that’s a mix of you not being able to fully communicate yet and you just being a regular 4 year old boy. Sometimes you just don’t want to do something.

We’re really trying to get you and Kiko to play and share together. It’s tough because she really wants to play with your toys and well, you don’t like that. But I think little by little you understand and you will have fun playing together.

We also went to Hawaii and wow did you love the pool. In fact, every time we tried to leave the pool you would get upset. In the beginning you would only hold on to me, and preferred to stay in the shallow end. But by the last day you were kicking your legs and swimming by yourself. It was great I can’t wait to go back as a family of 5!